samsung a7 lite lte

Omg my parcel had arrived and I am so excited to tell you that I am now a Playstore user! Yay!
First of all, thank you so much to this cool person, my beloved husband of course! He allowed me to have this brand new Samsung tab and I am now officially will blog again just like the old days. 

Best ke bila ada tab ni? Okay so honestly I miss blogging using computer sebab bila update blog guna iphone is so tak best sebab typing guna keypad phone ni lain compared to typing using computer. Why? Sebab bila on the computer keyboard, I will write using my brain instead of blogging totally ikut emosi and hati. So yeah thank you so much I am the happiest person on earth right now!

Okay banyak lagi apps I nak discover sebab Playstore ni lagi banyak apps comel-comel macam themed untuk layout tab ni and planner or diary compared to ios. Ios ni ada je apps comel-comel cuma mahal ya amat bila kena beli and I am not a fan to jailbreak my ios.

See you soon in my next post! Oh ya, currently I dah start vlogging di Youtube! Jangan lupa subscribe and like!

Yours truly,
Sharifah Mastura