pesanan tak berapa nak ringkas:

kandungan dan material blog ni hanya untuk pembaca yang minat nak tahu pasal diri saya je..kalau rasa tak puas hati dengan segala kandungan dan material blog saye ni, tak payahlah baca. simple jek kan. nama pun blog..

Friday, May 23, 2014

Tenancy Agreement : Stamp Duty calculation

Hello there!

Today I'm going to share about the formula to calculate stamp duty for your Tenancy Agreement.

Before I proceed, let me tell you a little bit of information about theTenancy Agreement. Tenancy Agreement is a contract between you ("penyewa") and your landlord ("tuan tanah"). It may be written or oral. The Tenancy Agreement gives certain rights to both you and your landlord, for example, your right to occupy the accommodation and the right of your landlord's to receive rent for letting the said accommodation.

You can read further about the general idea of a Tenancy Agreement at the link below :-

So, in Malaysia, there's an amount of stamp duty to be paid in order to make the Tenancy Agreement enforceable by law.

This is how to calculate the stamp duty for your Tenancy Agreement.


the formula is : 

[mrp*12 months] - 2400 = y

                                                              y/250 = z (make it a fix figure)

                                        z*rp = sd

mrp  = monthly rental price
rp     = rental period (year)
sd     = stamp duty


Application :-

Monthly Rental Price (mrp) : RM900.00

Rental Period (rp)               : 2 years

[RM900.00*12 months] - 2400 = RM8,400.00

                      RM8,400.00/250   = RM33.60 (make it a fix figure i.e. without cents)
                     RM34.00*2 years   = RM68.00


There are three copies of Tenancy Agreement will be prepared in which the cost are as follows :-

the original copy    : RM68.00 (as the above calculation)
the duplicate copy : RM10.00
the triplicate copy  : RM10.00


Okay, I hope it's clear enough. In the meantime, I'll find someone to summarize the formula so that it will be easy to recall.

That's all, thank you.   


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Price of Goods - Mandarin Language

Ni hao.

Last few weeks, we learned about how to pronounce the price of goods in Mandarin languange.

Today, I'm going to share about how to pronounce the price of goods while you're doing some groceries or shopping transaction.

Before that, let us revise numbers in Mandarin.

1  yi
2  er
3  san
4  si
5  wu
6  liu
7  qi
8  ba
9  jiu
10  shi

11 = 10 shi + 1 yi = shi yi
12 = 10 shi + 2 er = shi er
...and so on.

20 er shi
30 san shi
40 si shi
50 wu shi
...and so on.

100 yi bai
101 yi bai yi
...and so on.

1000 yi quan
...and so on.

RM = kuai (as if dolar)
cents = fen
'kupang' = mao (RM0.10 = 1 mao)

So, for example :-

RM25.10 = er shi wu kuai shi fen OR er shi wu kuai yi mao
RM1,205.46 = yi quan er bai wu kuai si shi liu fen OR yi quan er bai wu kuai liu fen si mao

Do you get it?
It was very hard for me to understand how the 'mao' works but after few practices, now it's easy for me to use the 'mao'!

That's all for today! :)
Keep trying until you get the picture.

*to be good in numbers, you should teach yourself this : AVOID REMEMBERING THE SEQUAL OF THE NUMBERS;